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yo pot... tu poti... noi poate !!!


marți, 16 decembrie 2008

Articol preluat de pe www.zageex.ro

Noi, ză Geex, am decis ca e momentul ideal sa ne punem pe facut cozonaci. Chiar daca e incă post, am aplicat sfatul dat lui @metropoham si am folosit tehinca ochilor umezi si privirii nevinovate ca sa o conving pe mama sa-mi dezvaluie secretele cozonacului. 

Rezultatul este pe www.cozonac.info. Ca un adevarat Geeksberg ce sunt, am pus cap la cap partile esentiale ale procesului si cu ajutorul maiestriei mamei mele, care face cei mai buni cozonaci din lume, am realizat si un filmulet.

Sper sa va fie de folos si lasati un comentariu daca da!


posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Ne-am mutat / We have moved

sâmbătă, 13 decembrie 2008

Salut tuturor care ajung pe blogul nostru!
Ne-am mutat pe http://www.zageex.ro. Ne gasiti acolo, impreuna cu toate posturile de aici.
De ce ne-am mutat? Vroiam numele nostru si mai multa "putere" :).
O zi minunata!
Sper ca ne nu o sa veniti sa vedeti ce mai scriem :).

Hello to anyone that ends up on our blog!
We have moved to http://www.zageex.ro. You will find us there, together with all the posts from here.
Why we moved? We wanted our own name and more "power" :).
Have a great day!
Hope you will come and see what we're writing :)
posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

No more cool Beta for Google and Chrome?

miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008

Ups, Google is loosing the startup aura more and more and it's showing it.
It does funny things with it's labor contracts and now it gives up the cool "Beta" word for profit.
Google Chrome is in Beta, as is Gmail (for many years, already), as are many other Google products.
It seems they really like the "Beta" word there. 

But now, Merrisa Mayer says Chrome will be Beta no more. Why? To get the big OEM contracts. Many people still write M$ for Microsoft, will we write G$$gle for Google?

Etichete: , ,

posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Firefox si Chrome - se bat in JavaScript

marți, 9 decembrie 2008

Cei de la Mozilla si cei de la Google s-au pus serios pe treaba. Isi imbunatatesc viteza de rulare a JavaScriptului cu fiecare noua versiune. Lucru foarte bun, daca ne gandim la cat JavaScript are o aplicatie AJAX. Safari ar trebui sa fie pe faza, ca nu era chiar asa in urma cand a aparut Chrome.
Iar IE, ar face bine sa se trezeasca naiba. Una peste alta, Firefox a venit tare din urma si chiar a depasit un pic Chrome. Mai multe detalii aici.

Sursa CNET

Ador razboaiele astea dintre browsere. In sfarsit e si Microsoft obligat sa bage sub covor aberatia de IE 6. In acelasi timp, stateam eu si ma gandeam zilele trecute, ca IE6 asta nu ar fi asa de rau daca ar respecta standardele... 

Etichete: ,

posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Are you full?

Just finished reading Seth's latest blog post "Warning: The internet is almost full". He makes a good point - technology may keep up with the exponential increase in content, especially big bandwidth consumers like videos, but can we keep up? Sometimes I do feel full. Just finished scanning through 400 feeds that accumulated in the last 8 hours Google Reader was untouched. Any of us reads more in a single day then most people would read in a year, not so long ago.
The weakest link in this data increase thing is us. We will crack down if we don't find a smarter way to filter information and read /watch / listen to stuff. This is why companies like UberVU have most chances to be the next Facebook + Google Reader + Wiki combined thingy.

I'm full for today! Too bad there is no information toilet where you can take an info shit.


posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Rain and Sleep and what pigeons have to do whit it

luni, 8 decembrie 2008

Early one morning (this morning, to be exact) I woke up and wondered where can I find a gun, to shoot myself and spare me the trouble of getting out of bed. Rainy days have, sometimes, this effect on most of us, and this one had the effect of anti-coffee on me. But after a brief rethinking of the situation (10 minutes or so), decided to get out of bed. And away I went to work.

But while going down the stairs, there was a feeling that something was missing, a familiar noise, a presence... and then it dawned on me - it's raining - but where are the pigeons?
Oh, those pigeons. Cute little fluffy things, that poop all over the place and especially on freshly washed cars. You can set your watch by them. Every day, at the same hour, these descendants of T-Rex shit joyfully, waiting on one of my neighbors to feed them. Staring through the dirty glass, with their creepy eyes. But not today.

Cause today it's raining (men). Today, the pigeons don't want to get wet and die of pigeon pneumonia. So these little, cold feet creatures skip their beloved morning snack.
And that's why we are sleepy when it rains!

If you mist the incredible logic of the story above, here it goes again. When it rains - you get wet, when you get wet - you can get pneumonia and die in a pool of your own body fluids.
So why go out and die when you can sit in your cave an wait for the rain to stop?
But if you sit, you'd better use as little energy as possible, cause you ain't eating.
Therefore, this is why I think most mammals are sleepy when it rains. To conserve energy.
I wonder who's smarter, the damn pigeons, or me?

Etichete: , ,

posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Offline Blog

duminică, 7 decembrie 2008

You can probably call this an offline blog.

Or a cork board :)

Etichete: ,

posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Links 6 december 2008

sâmbătă, 6 decembrie 2008

1) Gallery of Old Computers -here - via BoingBoing

2) 7 Free tools to indentify a font - here - via @meetzah
3) Learning by blogging - here -via ACM neswletter
Idea e buna, probabil ca o sa aiba si rezultate, multi deja o aplica, ca de acolo, probabil, au si preluat-o, dar ce ma enerveaza e ca se vede cat de rupti sunt majoritatea profesorilor de realitate. Intentii bune, dar mult prea multa teorie. Sa-i vorbesti unui pusti de 19-20 de ani de "avantajele retelelor sociale", militand pentru ele e cam aiurea. Probabil ca acelasi pusti are mai multa experienta in domeniu decat cei care predau. Dar e laudabila initiativa.
4) 10 Microsoft Research Projects - here - via NetworkWorld.com


posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Google Friend Connect goes Beta - and I though they liked me...

joi, 4 decembrie 2008

A few hours ago I got and e-mail telling me that Google Friend Connect (GFC) is now available for me. Yeee, hapy me. I applied for GFC about 3 months ago, when I was really interested in testing it out. Time passed and GFC was almost forgoten b. And now - They really liled me, they finally gave me access to GFC. Yes, me, and you and everybody else. Because GFC is now private beta.

I'm not that special to Goolge :(. But anyway, it's quite interesting, check it out, it's worth the time. And to quote the Google blog "Google Friend Connect is now available in beta to any webmaster looking to add a "dash of social" to his or her site".

Etichete: , , , ,

posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Cizmulite din hartie

Anul trecut, de Sfantul Nicolae am facut din hartie niste pantofiori pentru toti colegii nostrii, in care am pus cateva bomboane. Simplu, dar a fost de efect, zic eu :P.
Anul acesta am facut un unpdate la idea de anul trecut si voila - cizmulite din hartie.

Si aici e schema cum se fac.

Sursa schemei.
Mai trebuie bomboanele si e gata :).
Update: La cerere - uite si un filmulet despre cum se fac :) - toate drepturile rezervate :P.


posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |

Yahoo si Microsoft, telenovela continua

luni, 1 decembrie 2008

Pe scena reintra Ichan, cumpara actiuni Yahoo, ajunge sa detina peste 5% din actiunile Yahoo!

Ok, si acum ce se mai intampla?
Pai cine sa stie. Ichan e clar ca vrea sa-si acopere investia. Ce vrea Jerry nu prea se mai aude si nu stiu cat de mult mai conteaza. Ce vrea Steve (Balmer) numai el stie, probabil ca o bucatica frumoasa din Yahoo pe nimica.

"Microsoft has said publicly that they are not interested in buying the whole company, and I believe them. But they are interested in doing a deal on search, and we should pursue that."

TimesOnline zice ca deja se negocieaza Yahoo-Microsoft, Kara de la All Things Digital zice ca nu.

Eu mi-am exprimat parerea aici, ca Yahoo o sa fie sfartecat. Acuma inca cred in cea ce am scris, dar nu sunt convins ca o sa fie atat de violent procesul pe cat credeam. Poate ca si situatia economica a pus un pic frana ambitiilor salbatice a greilor din industrie.

Telenovela continua. Dar parca asta inca este valabil. Google inca nu a pierdut nimic.

*Multumesc @dimarius pentru link!

Update: Se pare ca si AOL isi baga nasul mai serios in treburile Yahoo. Mai multe aici

Etichete: , , , ,

posted by Liviu | link | 0 comments |
octombrie 2008
noiembrie 2008
decembrie 2008