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yo pot... tu poti... noi poate !!!

Mi-a scris Ballmer, Steve Ballmer :)

miercuri, 29 octombrie 2008

Dau eu azi drumul la calculator, de dimineata, asa cum si trebuie si sa-mi pice fata pe tastatura - ma uite si la astia tupeu - sa faca Spam cu numele lui Steve (Steve pe care il cunoastem cu toti, prietenul lui Bill si Bill e tipul ala de la Microsoft, seful de).
Dupa ce imi revin din uimirea profunda imi fac curaj sa dau si pe mail.
Mi-a luat ceva timp sa ma gandesc (vre0 2 secunde) daca sa sterg mailul direct, ca probabil e ceva cu multi troieni si alte minuni sau sa aloc 2 secunde si sa ma uit la el.
Si.... m-am uitat, si nu era teapa, si nu era nici Spam, era un mail de la Steve, trimis mie... si altor catorva zeci de mii de abonati la newsletterul Executive Emails From Microsoft.

Si ce zice Steve - pai zice el bine, despre Windows Azure si despre Office Web Applications si despre ce frumos totul va comunica si cum Microsoft, va fi acolo, varf de lance.

Si a mai zis despre Software + Service - o viziune pe care o impartasesc mai mult decat pe cea de SaaS. Despre cum vad eu situati S+S nu neaga abordarea SaaS, dar zice foarte lucid ca pentru a scoate tot din SaaS iti trebui un client puternic - cel mai bun exemplu care imi vine in cap e iPhone si Google Earth. Idea e furata si din interviul de la AllThingsD a lui Bill Gates si Steve Jobs. Apropo - ambi cred in aplicatii si platforme client puternice.

Eu am mai zis, eu sunt fan al aplicatiilor Microsoft de dezvoltare de software, sunt tari. Azure e tare, din ce am vazut in prezentari, Office Web Apps pare promitator. Chiar cred ca Microsoft, cu intarziere, dar a nimerit acolo unde trebuie. 
Sa nu uitam ca Microsoft nu a facut primul browser, dar a omorat Netscape si a dominat ani buni prin balaria aia de IE6. Nu a facut primul Excel, dar a omorat Lotus si acum inca domina, nu a facut primul system gen X Windows (a furat la fel ca si Apple) de la PARC dar acum inca domina cu Windows. 

De ce nu ar face acelasi lucru si cu alte tehnologii. Eu nu sunt dintre cei care zic - "Microsoft a pierdut cursa Internetului", mai degraba as zice - "fiti pe faza, ca baietii clocesc" ceva sau m-as hazarda chiar sa zic "watch and learn". Cea ce Microsoft stie cel mai bine sa incerce pana reuseste. Resurse au, asa ca pot sa-si permita 1-2 greseli.
Apropo - ati vazut ce repede s-au repliat cu Vista? Acum apropae ca nici nu mai auzi de Vista de la Microsoft in comunicatele privind viitorul Windowsului - auzi de Windows 7 si Windows Server 2008 R2. Au luat una sub centura si acum isi rezolva problemele, radical, fara sa mai carpeasca prea mult la Vista. Nu tin minte cand a mai fost o schimbare de generatii atat de rapida a Windowsului.

Si pentru toti curiosii care nu au avut privilegiul sa primeasca mail de la Steve in dimineata asta - am vrut sa pun tot e-mailul, ne editat ci doar luat cu combinatia mea preferata de tasta Ctrl + C, Ctrl+V, dar m-am gandit ca e mai simplu sa va uitati aici, in loc sa creez un post kilometric.
Dar am pus mai jos doar inceputul si sfarsitul, ca un sneak preview ;).

During the past decade, a dramatic transformation in the world of information technology has been taking shape. It's a transformation that will change the way we experience the world and share our experiences with others. It's a transformation in which the barriers between technologies will fall away so we can connect to people and information no matter where we are. It's a transformation where new innovations will shorten the path from inspiration to accomplishment.

Many of the components of this transformation are already in place. Some have received a great deal of attention. "Cloud computing" that connects people to vast amounts of storage and computing power in massive datacenters is one example. Social networking sites that have changed the way people connect with family and friends is another.

Other components are so much a part of the inevitable march of progress that we take them for granted as soon as we start to use them: cell phones that double as digital cameras, large flat-screen PC monitors and HD TV screens, and hands-free digital car entertainment and navigation systems, to name just a few.

What's missing is the ability to connect these components in a seamless continuum of information, communication, and computing that isn't bounded by device or location. Today, some things that our intuition says should be simple still remain difficult, if not impossible. Why can't we easily access the documents we create at work on our home PCs? Why isn't all of the information that customers share with us available instantly in a single application? Why can't we create calendars that automatically merge our schedules at work and home?


We're not quite there yet. Today, the Azure Services Platform is available only as a limited technology preview release. But as developers begin to combine the capabilities of this new platform with the amazing ongoing hardware and software innovations that we are seeing from companies across the industry, it will bring us significantly closer to the time when information, communication, and computing flows along with us seamlessly as we move through our day-to-day activities.

You can learn more about these technologies and the progress we are making by visiting the Microsoft Software + Services Web site.

I look forward to sharing more information with you about these new technologies in the near future.

Steve Ballmer

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posted by Liviu


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